ROM Information
- Maintainer: @PacMM79 @neobuddy89
- Device: Poco X3 Pro (vayu/bhima)
- Android Version: Android 11
- Build date: 22/01/2022
Donate: PayPal
Forum: XDA Thread
- Bumped to 7.14
- January Security Patch
- Added toggle to disable VPN and data saver icons in statusbar
- Added and updated OOS icon theming
- Added custom signal and WiFi icons
- Added toggle to enable flashlight blink on call
- Added landscape battery style
- Added customization to set battery text position
- Updated charging sounds
- Updated and optimized ZRAM configuration
- Updated blobs from V12.5.6.0.RJUINXM
- Removed PM QoS and IRQ optimizations on kernel
- Fixed call recording issue
- Full Changelog
- OSS based
- Not Include GApps
- Firmware: 12.0.X.X
- SELinux: Enforcing
- SafetyNet: should Passed (if not, use this guide)
- Don't PM Dev. Report bug on @crDroidVayu
How to Install Custom ROM ?
Actually, how to install it is the same as usual when you install a rom, here are the steps.
- Download all the files provided above.
- After that, reboot your android into Orangefox Recovery mode, Picth Black Recovery or the like.
- After that, do a wipe to clean flash, namely System, data, cache, dalvik, vendor.
- After that flash the Zip Rom and Magisk (Optional).
- After the installation process is complete, reboot the system on your Android.
- The first boot usually takes longer.
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